Wednesday, January 16, 2008

From the ashes

Dearly beloved, we are all gathered here today to rejoice in the rebirth of Confujinism. It's a brand new year 2008, which beckons the world to recognise more on the spread of confujinism.

Those who were loyal, you shall be rewarded.
Those in despair, rejoice once again as confujinism returns.
Those who were lost, fear not! You are now found.
Those searching, Halt, search no more for you have found it here in confujinism.

For those in doubt, here is my previous blog:

I shall in my best efforts, continue to endeavor and deliver post after post of confujinism masterpiece

1 comment:

Shanny Khoo said...

HEY Eu Jin!

a rebirth or just a transfer? hehehe... Any how I'm booking marking you! :)