Monday, June 16, 2008

Fate spins a wicked destiny

Over the years, I have had many wonderful moments in life that inspire, motivate, challenge, electrify and at times disappoint me. Never have I given up, lost track of the 'bigger picture', the 'greater goal' or even had any hint of the satisfaction garnered even for a tingling moment of sensation.
All that is about to change.....

June 2008 marks a historically defining moment in my life .... a Life where I had once fought hard to be 2 steps ahead of every path I take so that in any eventful situation, I would have always emerge like the smart ass that everyone looks to for guidance, the person that would least likely be surprised of a certain outcome......I had strive to defy what others would have come to describe as destiny or fate. Surrendering and succumbing to the very notion of fate & destiny has not been something I have ever been able to come to terms and still do not think I can.

In my woeful heart & my logical brain, I'm split right down the middle ..... neither conforming to the fate that binds us, but chartering towards the destiny that beckons.
I resisted with a strong will for action & desire for change which challenges the very existence & belief in the powers that be of the immortal ancient gods which puts us to shame or doom even with the slightest thought of destruction.

I have somehow learned to accept defeat and am compounded to accept that the more we try to change or challenge the norm, the very change itself would result in a defeat that would revert back to the beginning......only with a slight change.
The fate is as what is written, is as what was told, is as what is to be....defy it and you deny yourself, deny existence itself and deny all that has been precious to you.

This is gonna sound cliche but from the movie 'Superman Returns' it was quoted

"The son becomes the father. And the father, the son"

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